Harriet Wheelock

Heritage Centre enters prestigious Museum Standards Programme for Ireland

We are proud to announce our Heritage Centre’s acceptance onto the Museum Standards Programme for Ireland which aims to raise standards of care across Irish museums and galleries. Upon completion of the programme, which takes between three to five years, RCPI’s Heritage Centre will be recognised as a fully accredited museum in Ireland.

The programme, which is a Heritage Council initiative, is focused on improving all aspects of Irish museum practices, from conservation to cataloguing and education. During the accreditation programme, training is offered to representatives of participating museums on a range of topics from strategic planning to developing museum policies and collections, all aimed at improving the management and practices of museums.

Our Heritage Centre will join 54 other museums who are participating in the programme - to date 20 museums have achieved full accreditation. Other museums participating in the programme include Trinity College’s Long Room and Zoological Museum, The National Print Museum and the Chester Beatty Library. The full list can be found here.

Dun’s Librarian, Dr Paul Darragh said,

‘I am delighted that RCPI’s Heritage Centre has been accepted on the Heritage Council’s Museum Standards Programme for Ireland. It recognises both the national historical importance of our collections, and the hard work of the Heritage Centre’s staff in making these collections, and their history, available to the public. Participation in the programme will ensure that we continue to meet the highest standards in everything we do, and that we further establish our position as a centre of excellence for the history of medicine in Ireland.’

We in the Heritage Centre are thrilled to be accepted onto the programme and look forward to working closely with the Heritage Council to further enhance the profile of the Heritage Centre.

No.6 Kildare Street
For the purposes of the Museum Standards Programme, museums are defined as,

‘not for profit institutions that collect, safeguard, hold in trust, research, develop and interpret collections of original objects and original objects on loan, for the public benefit. They function publicly as places where people learn from and find inspiration and enjoyment through the display and research of original objects.’

Here in the Heritage Centre we endeavour to meet these objectives and we encourage people to browse through our extensive collections using our online catalogues.

If you have an interest in any of our collections, or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by email heritagecentre@rcpi.ie or telephone (01) 6698817 to make an appointment.