Putting Irish Archives on the Map
Harriet Wheelock

Putting Irish Archives on the Map

Last week learnaboutarchives.ie launched the first draft of their Irish Archives Google Map. The map provides details on the location of over 60 archive services across Ireland, with a brief summary of their holdings and a link to the learnaboutarchives entry which gives more details of the archives holdings and contact details. As a work in progress the creators are looking for assistance with corrections and revision to make sure that all the information on the map is correct and up to date.

Learnaboutarchives.ie is hosted by the Archives & Records Association, Ireland and supported by the Heritage Council Ireland. It aims to provide a practical and interesting online information service to the general public on archive material and archive services in Ireland. As well as the archive map the site contains a directory of archive services, educational resources and sample documents. As well as information on what archives are, what they do and how to make use of them.