Wellcome Trust Research Bursaries
Harriet Wheelock

Wellcome Trust Research Bursaries

Last year the Wellcome Trust announced details of a new research bursary scheme; available for small and medium-scale research projects based on library or archive collections supported by a previous Wellcome Trust Research Resources Grant
The latest application deadline for applying for one of these Bursaries is the 1st April 2016, details of the application process can be found here.
This is good news for researchers wanting to make use of our archive collections, and the majority of these were catalogued with Wellcome funding and so are eligible for Research Bursary applications.

You can view a list of all the Heritage Centre’s archive collections here, and all but four of the collections are eligible for applications. The eligible collections include RCPI’s own extensive archive, the records of fours hospital, half a dozen medical organisation and the personal papers of eight medics, including Dr Kathleen Lynn to Dr Thomas Percy Claude Kirkpatrick.

Further information regarding the WellcomeTrust Research Bursaries is available here, and please contact us if you have any questions about the archive collections in RCPI.